
The fundamentals in the pursuit of agility: A backbone for success

Improving network agility is a must for IT users and organisations need to understand the core components of making agility a reality in networking. Paul Ruelas, Senior Director Product Management, GTT, explains how...

Edge Computing: A game changer for service providers?

Edge Computing can offer numerous empowering services and benefits which increase revenue streams and reduce network transport costs. Bart Salaets, Senior Director Solutions Architect EMEA at F5 Networks discusses the...

What lies ahead for applications in 2020?

Vincent Lavergne, RVP of System Engineering at F5 Networks, suggests some New Year’s resolutions for IT leaders to ensure successful transformation in 2020. Without wheeling out all the usual clichés,...

People, applications and IT: The trifecta of modernisation resilience...

Data centre modernisation strategies should be built around three key aspects: people, applications and infrastructure. John Young, Solution Architecture and Engineering, Sungard Availability Services, tells us about...

Data processing in cloud environments: Managing security and compliance

Modern enterprises are facing the challenge of achieving robust security and compliance while they leverage their vast stores of data in the cloud. Anurag Kahol, CTO at Bitglass, discusses this challenge and unveils...

Noor Takaful accelerates Digital Transformation journey with BIOS Middle East

BIOS Middle East, a leading managed services and cloud provider in the UAE, announced that it has successfully completed Noor Takaful’s migration from on premise to the cloud, to accelerate its Digital...

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