Compass Datacenters achieves Zero Waste to Landfill Validation from UL Solutions

Compass Datacenters achieves Zero Waste to Landfill Validation from UL Solutions

Compass Datacenters has announced it has received its first Zero Waste to Landfill Validation from UL Solutions, making it one of a small, select group of data centre services providers to receive the distinction.

This certification is the first for Compass, as part of Compass’ unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship within the data centre industry.

Achieving Zero Waste to Landfill Validation from UL Solutions is a significant milestone. It confirms that all waste generated at its Toronto data centre undergoes responsible recycling and diversion practices, ensuring minimal impact on the environment.

By adhering to stringent waste management practices, Compass Datacenters not only reduces its carbon footprint but also sets a benchmark for sustainable practices in the sector.

“We have long championed zero waste and our compliance teams are hard at work toward this goal at each of our sites,” said Chris Crosby, CEO of Compass Data Centers. “The Zero Waste to Landfill Validation from UL Solutions is a rewarding confirmation of our efforts to be good stewards of our resources and good neighbours.”

Compass’ goal is to achieve and maintain UL Zero Waste standards at all campuses. The process of validating other sites is underway now. As future campuses come online, those sites are eligible for validation after an 18-month period of establishing and validating the site’s zero waste programme.

“On behalf of our compliance teams, I’m beyond thrilled for Compass Datacenters to be recognised for this distinction,” said Sudhir Kalra, Executive Vice President of Global Operations for Compass. “It underscores our teams’ commitment to zero waste goals and recognises their hard work and accomplishment.” 

Keys to zero waste

For Compass, repurposing materials is a huge driver of zero waste. For example, the air filters used in cooling units are washed and reused. That’s hundreds of industrial-scale filters per building, thousands per campus, that might otherwise end up in a landfill.

Beyond repurposing, close integration with customers and suppliers makes it possible to prevent surplus products from ever being generated. Compass recycles, reuses or repurposes as much as it can.

In addition, all employees at Compass campuses are trained to recognise opportunities to eliminate or reduce waste, empowered to elevate opportunities for improvement, and well-versed in the five ‘Rs’ of zero waste: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot.

Validation from UL Solutions supports Compass Datacenters’ broader sustainability strategy, which includes ongoing initiatives to enhance energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, positively impact water resources and improve the environments surrounding Compass campuses.

As the demand for data processing and storage continues to grow, Compass Datacenters will continue to deliver sustainable solutions to support local environments and a lower-carbon future.

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