African Development Bank provides funding for Diamniadio Digital Technology Park

African Development Bank provides funding for Diamniadio Digital Technology Park

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group have approved additional financing of €5.01 million for the future Digital Technology Park in Diamniadio, Senegal.

With this new loan, the bank is assuming 87% of the €73.62 million total project cost, with the Senegalese government contributing €9.64 million. The Senegalese Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation is coordinating the aid through its Directorate of Economic and Financial Cooperation.

The 25-hectare future park is being developed in the emerging Diamniadio urban hub, located about 35km from Dakar. Twenty companies, including ATOS, Free and Solution Informatique Durable (SOLID), have expressed interest in locating some of their activities in the forthcoming park. However, they need a solid communication infrastructure to operate.

Furthermore, this loan will help equip the planned data centre within the park with a state-of-the-art storage and processing architecture through an international tender.

In addition to the data centre, components of the ambitious project include business process outsourcing facilities, an ICT incubator, a training centre, a research centre and an audio-visual production and content development centre. The project also provides for institutional support, capacity building and the establishment of a management team responsible for its implementation.

“The ICT sector is one of the most advanced in West Africa and the project will benefit an entire ecosystem,” said Cherfi Mohammed, Senegal Country Manager, African Development Bank.

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