Vodafone New Zealand rolls out 800G technology with Ciena

Vodafone New Zealand rolls out 800G technology with Ciena

Vodafone New Zealand rolls out 800G technology with Ciena

Vodafone New Zealand is advancing its network by being the first provider in New Zealand to deploy 800G technology, enabling extremely high data capacity, transmission and speeds. Using Ciena’s WaveLogic 5 Extreme (WL5e) coherent optics between its data centers in Auckland, Vodafone is achieving record transmission speeds to support growing, yet constantly fluctuating, demands for digital services while enabling a greener network. The term 800G refers to 800 billion bits per second transmission capacity, which is enough to transport 25 HD movies in one second or the latest virtual reality game in a quarter of a second.

By implementing Ciena’s WL5e, Vodafone can better manage network requirements to support its recently launched 5G service. The Internet provider will also be able to offer a broad range of digital experiences by scaling from 200G up to 800G single wavelengths to optimize capacity across any distance while lowering costs. Vodafone is leveraging its existing Ciena 6500 shelves, doubling the data throughput for each hardware module deployed and reducing energy consumption by 50%.

“With Ciena’s WL5e, Vodafone will provide increased bandwidth for a plethora of data-hungry applications, especially necessary as we’ve seen both increases and spikes of data used during the past few months,” said Tony Baird, Wholesale and Infrastructure Director at Vodafone.

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